Thursday, June 6, 2013


Hey guys! This is a simple research about newspaper.

A newspaper is a periodical publication containing news of current events, informative articles, diverse features, editorials, and advertising. It usually is printed on relatively inexpensive, low-grade paper such as newsprint. By 2007, there were 6,580 daily newspapers in the world selling 395 million copies a day. The worldwide recession of 2008, combined with the rapid growth of web-based alternatives, caused a serious decline in advertising and circulation, as many papers closed or sharply retrenched operations.

General-interest newspapers typically publish stories on local and national political events and personalities, crime, business, entertainment, society and sports. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing editorials written by an editor and columns that express the personal opinions of writers. The newspaper is typically funded by paid subscriptions and advertising.

Publicity: Its contents are reasonably accessible to the public.
Periodicity: It is published at regular intervals.
Currency: Its information is up to date.
Universality: It covers a range of topics.

59 B.C.: Acta Diurna the first newspaper is published in Rome.
1556: First monthly newspaper Notizie Scritte published in Venice.
1605: First printed newspaper published weekly in Antwerp called Relation.
1631: The first French newspaper published, the Gazette.
1645: Post-och Inrikes Tidningar is published in Sweden and is still being published today, making it the world's oldest newspaper.
1690: The first newspaper is published in America, Publick Occurrences.
1702: The first English language daily newspaper is published called the Daily Courant. The Courant was first published (periodical)in 1621.
1704: Considered the world’s first journalist, Daniel Defoe publishs the Review.
1803: First newspapers published in Australia, the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser.
1830: Number of newspapers published in the U.S. is 715.
1831: The famous abolitionist newspaper The Liberator is first published by William Lloyd Garrison.
1833: The New York Sun newspaper costs one cent - the beginning of the penny press.
1844: First newspaper published in Thailand.
1848: The Brooklyn Freeman newspaper is first published by Walt Whitman.
1850: P.T. Barnum starts running newspaper ads for Jenny Lind, the "Swedish Nightingale" performances in America.
1851: The Post Office starts offering a special cheap newspaper rate.
1855: First newspaper published in Sierra Leone.
1856: The first full-page newspaper ad is published in the New York Ledger. Large type newspaper ads are made popular by photographer Mathew Brady. Machines now mechanically fold newspapers.
1860: A "morgue" in newspaper terms means an archive. The New York Herald starts the first morgue.
1864: William James Carlton of J. Walter Thompson Company begins selling advertising space in newspapers. The J. Walter Thompson Company is the longist running American advertising agency.
1867: The first double column advertising appears for the department store Lord & Taylor.
1869: Newspaper circulation numbers published by George P. Rowell in the first Rowell's American Newspaper Directory.
1870: Number of newspapers published in the U.S. is 5,091.
1871: First newspaper published in Japan - the daily Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun. Famous newspaper interview with explorer Stanley Livingston published.
1873: First illustrated daily newspaper published in New York.
1877: First weather report with map published in Australia. The Washington Post newspaper first publishes with a circulation of 10,000 and a cost of 3 cents per paper.
1879: The benday process improves newspapers. The first whole page newspaper ad placed by an American department store (John Wanamaker) is run.
1880: First halftone photograph (Shantytown) published in a newspaper.
1885: Newspapers are delivered daily by train.
1887: The San Francisco Examiner published.
1893: The Royal Baking Powder Company becomes the biggest newspaper advertiser in the world.
1903: The first tabloid style newspaper, the Daily Mirror is pblished.
1931: Newspaper funnies now include Plainclothes Tracy starring Dick Tracy.
1933: A war breaks out between the newspaper and radio industries. American newspapers try to force the Associated Press to terminate news service to radio stations.
1954: There are more radios than there are daily newspapers.
1955: Teletypesetting is used for newspapers.
1967: Newspapers use digital production processes and began using computers for operations.
1971: Use of offset presses becomes common.
1977: First public access to archives offered by Toronto Globe and Mail.
2007: There are now 1,456 daily newspapers in the United States alone, selling 55 million copies a day.

2009: This was the worst year in decades as far as advertising revenues for newspapers. However, newspapers are moving into online internet versions.

Thank You read this simple information. Sharing is caring. 
Source: GOOGLE
Arima Adnilamsi

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