Sunday, September 22, 2013

Shit Hapen T O D A Y!

Assalammualaikum and hello guys.
Oh damn.. I started my day with a good mood then suddenly the mood turn bad. C R I T I C A L! 
i don't what's wrong, where's the mistake...i though that was miss communication and understanding between us. 

But still, I want to say sorry to you..
yeah, you, you know who you are .

Every mistake happen i  know its all my fault. You mad to me because you want me to be a good person. 
I will take it as my life lesson. 

What I learned today...
Everything happen for a reason.
Never look back.
Money is important but money also can make people fight.
Keep calm must always.

Stay Strong guys,
Arima Adnilamsi

K I N I  L E B I H  M A T A N G

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Selamat Hari Keputeraan TMJ!

I want to wish Happy Birthday to our beloved Tunku Mahkota Johor (TMJ). Semoga Johor terus maju dan jaya atas pimpinan TMJ dan Kerabat Diraja Johor. I'm Selangorian but My SUPER DADDY is truly Anak Jati Johor. 

Semoga Tunku Ismail diberi kesihatan yang baik, panjang umur & berbahagia selalu. Allah bless Johor. Peace Malaysia:)!!

Semalam JDT kalah...takpe kemenangan PASTI ADA ESOK HARI!

Arima Adnilamsi

Youth Inspiration: Keep The FIRE BURNING!

Success is not just in words S-U-C-C-E-S-S but your efforts to be success. Youth Inspiration segment today, to know well about Amira, student of Communication and Media, Unisel Shah Alam.

by Irish Yasmine

Her full name is Nur Amira Ismalinda binti Aminuddin. She is well-known as, Amira Aminuddin or her kampong names’ ‘kak ra’. She is the 2nd in a sibling of 3, the eldest is a brother with name Ismail bin Aminuddin, and the younger sister is Nur Zafriena binti Aminuddin. She was born on 24 September 1993 on Friday, 1.30 pm in Hospital Tunku Ampuan Rahimah Klang. She is proud to be Anak Jati Klang.

Amira attended first education at Tadika Orkid, Port Klang (5 and 6 years old), then the primary school is at Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Methodist, Port Klang (Standard 1 and 2). Then she changes the school at Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan Datuk Kumbar (Standard 3 to 6) in Alor Star, Kedah between the years 1998 to 2005. Amira then went to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Sofiah (Form 1 to 3) in Alor Star,Kedah and moves to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Meru (Form 4 and 5) in Klang, Selangor from 2006 to 2010 for his secondary education.

Since she was in school years, she has gained a lot of commendable achievement especially on her Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination results. She surprise the teachers, because before this, her never get good results on UPSR and PMR. Other achievements are Anugerah Tokoh Nilam, Anugerah Kepujian (highest attendance), and etc. “I believe everyone can be success if they want it, keep MOVE ON and NEVER GIVE UP!” – said Amira to us.

Behind the successful of an individual, I believe must have good parents inside. All parent love her children, they want us to be successful person. Encik Aminuddin bin A. Majid and Puan Nor Rizan binti Jamaluddin is lucky parents to have successful daughter, like Amira.  
“My life is not always run smoothly” –she said. One week before the SPM examination, her beloved father passed away. Her eyes keep tear, can’t believe it happen, she always prays may Allah blessed her dad till Jannah (heaven).

“Allah give us UJIAN (test) because Allah love us, the test make us strong and struggle”.
Her dad passed away because of infections of Malaria Fever. He get the infections when he was work in Peaceful Mission at Sudan, Africa under United Nation (UN). Her dad passed away in 42 years old. I can say here, her dad is HERO.

When she has a free time, she likes to spend her time with join to do a volunteer activity especially under Youth Program Event or 1M4U. Give her, volunteer activity make her motivated herself, knowing many people, and learn a lot. The latest youth activity she went is in early February 2013, Youth Action Forum 2 and Hi-Tea with Prime Minister, Dato’ Sri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak.

Other than that, she love to do a collection of old money and other countries money, because the money give her such inspiration to go travel every places in this world one day. Her favourite place to go is in Paris, the city of love. She also dreams to bough her mother to Makkah to do haji. May her dreams will comes true. Dream it, believe it, achieved it.

When I am bored, I love to read novel. In my rooms, I have a lot of novel. Luckily, my mum not complained –she laughing

Amira ambition is to be a writer or journalist. She love to read books and writing while free time. One of her favourite book is “I want to be a writer” by her inspiration writer, Ummu Hani Abu Hassan. I love the way and the style she writing, very honest and lovely. –she said.

Furthermore, Amira really appreciate the friends. She loves all her friend, because sometimes friend is more understand then our siblings. “Our ukhwah fisabilillah (friendship) is never ending story” –she said. One of her bestfriend, Noor Shafizah binti Mohd Zahir from Kedah, same age, knows her since year 3. “Amira is my truly best and good friend even thou we are stayed far. To make the friendship long-lasting are, always make them happy, call or text her, never forget her birthday and being honest –said Shafizah to the writers.

To summarize, I know Amira stories will give a good inspiration youth out there. “To be success, never give up, try harder, and tawakkal” –said Amira to end the conversation. If something happen in our life, trust there is a reason. Good Luck Youth!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Luahan Hati Anak Seni Hafiz Suip

Assalamualaikum. Hello readers:)!!
Sekalung ucapan tahniah buat Hafiz di atas segala pencapaian beliau semenjak berada di bidang seni tanahair. Sebanyak 14 anugerah telah dirangkul, termasuklah Anugerah Juara Lagu. Pada 12hb 6 2013, bertempat di Wisma Bentley, Mutiara Damansara beliau telah melancarkan album terbaru yang berjudul Luahan Hati Anak Seni. 

Saya berpeluang berada di majlis tersebut. Saya sangat teruja mendengar nyanyian Hafiz Suip secara live! *melt*

Apa lagi korang, lagu dia dah tentu2 MELETOP, so jangan lupa beli hokay? :)

me w/ Aunty Liza's, mamahafiz:)

Arima Adnilamsi

credit picture to @pqpofficial @louisiana76

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Siapa Yang Bersungguh-sungguh Akan Sukses

Hello readers!!!
Tomorrow new semester is begin! SEMESTER 6 yaww! At the first, i'm so excited because this is my second last SEMESTER, but when i'm thinking back i was feel so nervous, many question in my head like what will happen, what is the next problem/test (ujian), what is the assignment..difficult or easy? OH NO, what is the next challenge in the next semester!! 

I hope the challenge or test is not too hard. Hope I can handle it with responsibility. Everything happen in the last semester should be lesson to me. Yeah, YOU CAN DO IT.

My AIM for this SEMESTER is I want to get Dean's List! :D 

  • I should STOP waste my time
  • I should be CONFIDENT
  • I should be STRONG
  • I should not be too SHY
  • I should be RESPONSIBLE in everything work
  • I should always WORK HARD & SMART


Arima Adnilamsi