Sunday, September 22, 2013

Shit Hapen T O D A Y!

Assalammualaikum and hello guys.
Oh damn.. I started my day with a good mood then suddenly the mood turn bad. C R I T I C A L! 
i don't what's wrong, where's the mistake...i though that was miss communication and understanding between us. 

But still, I want to say sorry to you..
yeah, you, you know who you are .

Every mistake happen i  know its all my fault. You mad to me because you want me to be a good person. 
I will take it as my life lesson. 

What I learned today...
Everything happen for a reason.
Never look back.
Money is important but money also can make people fight.
Keep calm must always.

Stay Strong guys,
Arima Adnilamsi

K I N I  L E B I H  M A T A N G

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